A School Of Basics

The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the initial one, the period of birth to the age of six. For that is the time when the mind and intelligence of the children is being developed. This is the time when the children need a POOL-LIKE KINDERGARTEN, not an OCEAN-LIKE SCHOOL. Therefore, the early years and their experience is of vital importance and has an IMPACT on their future development.


understand that, in the early years, no lesson is more valuable for a child than learning to enjoy learning. We let children develop at their own speed and in their own way. The routine here is not mundane. Children just love coming to SMARTKIDS. It is not the syllabus which is given priority, but it is the general awareness created in the children, that leads to learning, rather playfully.

Here stress is laid on the day to day activities by creating an environment where good manners and etiquette is naturally imbibed. Children are taught table-manners, family values and the culture of India. All this is introduced in the daily routine. We celebrate almost all festivals to teach the children why Visakhi is celebrated with fervour, why candles are lit on Diwali night, what had happened on Independence Day and why sisters tie a Rakhi to their brothers. The year ends with an X-Mas celebration and a Santa visit. The purpose is to see our SMARTKIDS grow up to be well-aware Indian citizens. .

We Also Celebrate


With Invitations and Fun & Frolic

At SMARTKIDS we are evolving and experimenting all the time while our permanent features of safety, security & hygiene at school remain constant and of utmost important.